Your hubby is to take care of your needs as his own. Is it really a good idea to tell my H or should I just keep it a secret and chalk it up to a little fun? That was the first time I've cheated in anyway. He was so responsive and passionate about it.talking dirty and getting involved. Innocent flirting that one day led to making out and fondling and now a little over a year since first encountering him I went over his house last week and decided I wont go allll the way but I was definetly in the mood to do something. About a year ago we met one day and have flirted since. I know this guy through my sister, they're friends. I see sexy guys everywhere now and it boosts my ego every time someone checks me out because H never compliments me. I started to become attracted to other men again. He just asks for massages and never returns the favor.
He always just claims he's too tired to talk, have sex, cuddle whatever. I've tried talking about it, trying harder, switching it up nothing works. We are still young, me 25 him 31 but now due to his decision we average sex maybe once a week if that. We argued now and then but he was still playful and sweet, surprised me, was affectionate but then those things became less and less frequent. H and I have been together 6 years married for 3.